The expression “young protagonism” is gaining more space and repercussion in our society. From classroom experience to youth participation in the local economy, social and even cultural activities, the issue of protagonism and responsibility becomes more present and expected of our young people. Young people are the future of the world, but they are also the present. Therefore, their actions today contribute and interfere in the places where they are inserted.
But do you know where that term came from? The idea of defining the youth protagonism in the process of formation and education came up with the educator from Minas Gerais, Carlos Gomes da Costa. Initially at the school level, this concept has as its premise to make the youth the central element of educational practice, actively participating in the entire procedure, from the elaboration to the evaluation of the proposed actions.
The idea is to make young people have a legitimate social participation, contributing not only to the school but also to the community in which they are insert to. In other words, young protagonism forms more autonomous and socially committed people who can sympathize with others and collaborate with a fairer present and future.
Want to find out how to stimulate young protagonism in your daily life?
Young protagonism in practice
The birthplace of youth protagonism is closely linked to school practices and ways in which children are impacted by learning content and values. It is therefore very important to think about the development of their intelligence and abilities early on.
For all this to happen, it is important that, in addition to conventional subjects, the school is adept at fostering ideas and open to new possibilities. The educator’s role is reinforced as a guide that opens doors to various scenarios of youth growth and maturation. That is, the success in the practice of a youth protagonism project depends on establishing a new type of relationship between youth and adults.
The student should be seen as a source of initiative, freedom and commitment. It is therefore essential to encourage young people to take the lead in the process while experiencing choice and responsibility.
Understanding Youth Protagonism
Last week through the Purunã Institute’s social media, we launched a survey to know the opinion of followers: “DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUNG PROTAGONISM IS?”. In return, interesting questions have emerged that contribute to the understanding of the theme and encourage the application of related practices, here are some of the many interactions that have been highlighted:
1.When young people have the opportunity to actively act in society

That’s the way. In the process of youth protagonism, young people become the main subject, assuming an active role in participating in the discussion of interesting agendas throughout the community, as well as a precursor of initiatives and strategies that benefit the collective. In other words, the essence of this issue establishes that young people have a legitimate social participation, contributing not only to the school, but also to the community in which they are inserted.
2.When young people participate in social projects
Participating in social projects and developing their concern with the growth and strengthening of everyday life in society is part of the essence of youth protagonism. But acting as protagonists goes beyond social projects. For this to happen, young people need to take advantage of their speech space to make a difference and resonate with their voices in all aspects of community life. Whether in projects already established or from autonomous actions that positively impact their lives and those of others.
3. It’s the young people positioning themselves on political issues
Political participation and defense of democracy is a basic and necessary issue to ensure that all rights and duties of citizens are respected. In the matter of the young protagonist, he is expected to have an active voice from the first possibility of exercising his right to vote, that is, from 16 years old. But when it comes to youth participation, again we go beyond this aspect. Political acts can be exercised and charged in overseeing the good work of a government or actively acting in political actions and measures that reflect improvements and well-being for the whole society.
4.When young people act in causes that are useful to them and to society

More than that, youth protagonism is when young people have a chance to be heard and given the importance of their actions as much as adults. After all, this is not a matter that works as a one-way street.We cannot expect our young people to fight and seek to act as transformers of society if society itself does not open up to it. It is a theme that needs to be reflected and exercised collectively so that positive changes can start from any age and be – in fact – heard.
The Purunã Institute and Young Protagonism
The Purunã Institute, through the BE-lieve project, works on this matter. Encouraging young people to be the main actors in their stories and to stand before society. Stimulating the potentialities, maturity and personal development, São Luiz do Purunã grows increasingly in tune with the community.
To learn more about BE-lieve and other projects we carry out, just visit our website by clicking here.