Discover the waterfalls of São Luiz do Purunã and region

Discover the waterfalls of São Luiz do Purunã and region

How about enjoying the summer, with lush scenery? Whether you are a fan of contemplation and calm, or of adventure, we have the ideal suggestion for the last months of your summer: imposing and delicate waterfalls, in the middle of the Floresta com...
The Natural Fields

The Natural Fields

The southern Brazilian states, prior to deforestation, were mostly covered by the Atlantic Forest biome. According to IBGE, biomes are the “life set (plant and animal) defined by the grouping of similar vegetation types, with similar climate and soil conditions and a...
Sustainable development: from field to table

Sustainable development: from field to table

Due to busy schedules and lack of time, we are constantly exposed to fast-food with artificial flavors and colors, full of preservatives, containing high levels of pesticides, among other components that can be harmful to the human organism, as well as to fauna and...
Discover the waterfalls of São Luiz do Purunã and region

Conheça as cachoeiras de São Luiz do Purunã e região

Que tal aproveitar o verão, com cenários exuberantes? Seja você fã da contemplação e calmaria, ou então, da aventura, temos a sugestão ideal para os últimos meses do seu verão: imponentes cachoeiras e delicadas quedas d’água, em meio à Floresta com Araucárias e aos...
The Natural Fields

Os campos naturais

Os estados do sul brasileiro, antecedendo o desmatamento, eram majoritariamente cobertos pelo bioma da Mata Atlântica. Segundo o IBGE, biomas são o “conjunto de vida (vegetal e animal) definida pelo agrupamento de tipos de vegetação semelhante, com condições...