Our culture is extremely rich, with a history marked by popular manifestations that express the essence of the people who inhabit each of the five regions of the country. With so much diversity provided by the miscegenation of peoples and cultures, the folklore that...
“Crioulo Rodeo attracts 100,000 people”. This was a headline publicada by the Folha de Londrina newspaper, on May 1, 1998, about the Crioulo Rodeo held in São Luiz do Purunã. When we stopped to consider that the population of the district is currently around...
See also the RpC article on the topic here: https://g1.globo.com/pr/campos-gerais-sul/noticia/2019/07/25/projeto-preve-instalacao-de-torres-de-transmissao-de-energia-eletrica-na-escarpa-devoniana.ghtml Paraná’s geological structure is extremely rich in relation...
The tropeirismo appeared as a new commercial activity with the purpose of promoting the interconnection of the economic centers of Brazil. Imported goods and food were brought on the backs of mules and horses that cut several trails capable of integrating different...
Nossa cultura é extremamente rica, com uma história marcada por manifestações populares que expressam a essência das pessoas que habitam cada uma das cinco regiões do País. Com tanta diversidade proporcionada pela miscigenação de povos e culturas, o folclore que...