Who passes now and then by the Dinarte Garrett Street, the main street in the district of São Luiz do Purunã, in Balsa Nova (PR), I invite you to turn around in time. Imagine: it was 140 years ago! The “arrive” that the people of the village usually...
Legend of Paraná folklore Many, many years ago, when Paraná was covered with forests and forests (and it wasn’t even called Paraná), many indigenous tribes lived here. They called the region of the fields on the mountains of Paiquerê. There was never in every...
Lenda do folclore paranaense Há muitos e muitos anos atrás, quando o Paraná era coberto de matas e florestas (e ainda nem se chamava Paraná), viviam aqui muitas tribos indígenas. Eles chamavam a região dos campos sobre as serras de Paiquerê. Nunca houve em todo...
A quem passa volta e meia pela Rua Dinarte Garrett, a principal do Distrito de São Luiz do Purunã, em Balsa Nova (PR), faço o convite para dar meia volta no tempo. Imaginemos: foi há 140 anos! O “chegue” que o pessoal da vila costuma pronunciar para toda visita bem...
Our culture is extremely rich, with a history marked by popular manifestations that express the essence of the people who inhabit each of the five regions of the country. With so much diversity provided by the miscegenation of peoples and cultures, the folklore that...